"When the end draws near, there no longer remain any remembered images; only words remain. It is not strange that time should have confused the words that once represented me with those that were symbols of the fate of he who accompanied me for so many centuries. I have been Homer; shortly, I shall be No One, like Ulysses; shortly, I shall be all men; I shall be dead." (from 'The Immortal')

Jorge Luis Borges: The Mirror Man - 1/6

Two English Poems by Borges

Poema "Atardecer" Jorge Luis Borges

Borges: Riddle of Poetry 1/5

Poema dedicado al Ajedrez

Poema "La Lluvia" de Jorge Luis Borges

Borges Interview - English subtitles

Los Espejos. Jorge Luis Borges

Biografía Jorge Luis Borges

Poema a un Gato - Jorge Luis Borges

El Golem

Instantes de Jorge Luis Borges

Waking Up

Poem on Durer's 'Knight, Death & Devil'

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